The Objective of this Guidance Note is to provide guidance to the Registered Valuers (RVs) on Preparation of Valuation Reports in accordance with the requirements of various laws e.g., the Companies Act, 2013, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and SEBI Regulations, as applicable. The Guidance note provides an insight into valuation standards to be followed for the purpose of Valuation by Registered Valuers under various applicable laws.
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Legal Framework, Contents and Format of Valuation Reports required
Duties and Responsibilities of the Valuers and Peer Review
In pursuance of Rule 5 of the Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India ("IBBI"), being the Authority, has specified the curriculum of Educational Courses for the Asset Class "Securities or Financial Assets". The Task Force constituted by the Governing Board of ICSI Registered Valuers Organisation has developed a comprehensive material covering the entire curriculum prescribed by IBBI.
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Macro Economics
Parallel Economy
Professional Ethics and Standards
Financial Statements Analysis
General Laws and judicial Pronouncements
Overview of Valuation
Valuation Approaches and Methodologies
Valuation Application
Laws and Regulation relevant to Financial Assets Valuation
Case Studies on application of valuation techniques
The book will definitely be an useful source to valuer members of both ICSI RVO and other RVOs for cracking the valuation examination. The USP of the book is such that one can refer it while travelling, during rest hours at office as well as at home etc.
Price of the publication is 750/- (Postage charges extra).
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Latest MCQs covering the entire syllabus in asset class SFA
Chapter wise Key Points
Developed by experts in the field of valuation
Helps in cracking valuation Examinations
In pursuance of Rule 5 of the Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India ("IBBI"), being the Authority, has specified the curriculum of Educational Courses for the Asset 2.Class “Valuation of land & Building". The Task Force constituted by the Governing Board of ICSI Registered Valuers Organisation has developed a comprehensive material covering the entire curriculum prescribed by IBBI.
Price of the Publication is 999/- (Postage charges extra).
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